Embark Unleashed Education

Unleashed Education Challenges

As a professional photographer continuing education is very important to me. I am a member of marketing groups and various professional groups to help perfect my skills as a business owner, creator and image maker. The courses I am referencing here are called #emergeunleashedchallenges and #embarkunleashedchallenges taught by two amazing photographers, @Charlotte Reeves and @Craig Turner-Bullock. During these courses we are given briefs that we must then go out and creatively execute. These are the first and second of the series of 3 challenge courses.

I did some model calls and worked with some super dog models and parents! I filled in with my dog Redd and she did a great job. She is my studio assistant, always happy to get in the proper spot so that I can perfect my lighting for my clients before coming in for their photography session.

Learning from Charlotte Reeves and Craig Turner-Bullock is a wonderful privilege. They are so kind and really look at the work submitted for any possible improvements that can be made. The other students are super helpful and kind as well. The experience took me back to my college days working toward my BS degree in Photography, having critiques and learning from/with my piers while having great instructors to boot.

This course is very intensive but well worth the time spent. Now I can be a better pet photographer, and photographer in general, for my clients who come to me for beautiful artwork!

Final Prtfolio

